Monday, October 27, 2008

Thoughts Please???

This is a new tax system that would in essence change the way we collect taxes in the US. What are your thoughts?


Thank you, Debbie, for the well spoken reminder to us all that it is the Lord's doing...and it is all! May I be completely consumed.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

True or False?

This is very scary if it is true...and the media doesn't talk about it.

Monday, October 20, 2008

This was sent to me from a friend off of Lou Engle's (I don't agree with much of what he says, but I think we would be wise to look beyond the words of the candidates) website. I have to say that while I know that God is sovereign over the earth and the nations is a battle of fear when I think of what will happen to society as a whole when Obama starts passing his "change" laws.

A Word About Sarah Palin

45 years ago, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. subpoenaed the conscience of America and drove the injustice of segregation like a wedge into the soul of the nation. The wedge has been driven again. When Senator John McCain courageously chose Governor Sarah Palin as his Vice Presidential running mate, he drove family values back into the conscience of America.
The liberal media played into the hands of a Higher Wisdom when they injected former Vice President Dan Quayle into the debate by comparing Governor Palin to Dan Quayle. Now, everyone is beginning to realize that this election is not about a man’s charisma or his nebulous notion of change. No. This election is a battle for family values and to the victor goes the soul of this nation.
Governor Palin is more than just a brilliant choice for Vice President. She and her family stand as a sign and a wonder for life and for children. They are a living parable parading in blazing Technicolor before the eyes of the whole nation. This goes way beyond elections. This is about us healing our families, regaining moral responsibility, and exhibiting forgiveness.
Palin boldly stood by her conviction that all life is sacred and chose to have her Down Syndrome child while leading her state. Senator Barack Obama, on the other hand, declared that the first thing he will do as President is pass the Freedom of Choice Act, which will remove every restriction from all abortion procedures, including many restrictions that most Americans agree with, By doing this, he will open up the doors to promote deviant sex education to kindergarteners and exclude even parents from their right to know of their underage daughter’s potential abortion.
When the pregnancy of her 17-year-old daughter became an insensitive liberal media circus, we were given a rare view into love and support as Governor Palin embraced her grandchild in her daughter’s womb as a blessing. Again, on the other hand, Obama was once quoted as saying that if his two daughters made a “mistake” and became pregnant, he would not want them to be "punished” with babies. What a stark contrast of the value of human life!
The ideological beast of Obama’s worldview has been drawn out of its lair and now stands naked and exposed by Palin’s compassion and conviction. The beast is not just Quayle hunting. It is hunting our children, our nation’s destiny, and us. The rage of the media against Palin simply further exposes the moral bankruptcy, bigotry, and lack of compassion of liberalism. The media, Obama’s court prophets, have become Selma’s new sheriffs of the South beating the new heirs of the civil rights movement – the millions of unborn children attacked in the womb and countless women hurt by abortion – with their journalistic Billy Clubs and loud hectoring.
With his choice of Governor Palin as his running mate, John McCain has once again gone to war. However, this time, not in the distant lands of Vietnam and Iraq, but he has gone to war for America, for our families, and for our children. And this war, we cannot afford to lose.

So, while I do not agree with all McCain stands for (or all Engle declares)...what I do desire is someone willing to stand by their convictions. I want a leader with experience and a backbone...not someone who can speak well given the words to say. Idealogical fluff won't help us fight all the battles we engage in as a nation. Those battles are on many fronts and the consequences will be lived with for a long time, whether they are in war, or in society.

Monday, October 13, 2008

It's coming, It's coming......

Yeeee Haww!! I am so excited Sprouts is coming to Broomfield! So, this was my favorite store when visiting Texas. Now, much to my delight there is one opening FRIDAY! Near me!! Now no more hour trips to the health food store! Can you tell it is the small things that are most exciting....

Wonder if there will be one coming to Daytona???

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Hermit crab - there were hundreds!

Isaac and a sea sponge...

This salamander caught a butterfly and we watched him eat it...only took him 30 min.

Beach House

We were blessed to be invited to a family party at a beach house in Carabelle beach FL. What a fun week it was! Here are some pic highlights of our time together with Charlie's family...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008



To our new church home...

After much wooing from the Lord and much work in our hearts and prayer...we are moving to Daytona Beach Florida to be a part of the church there.

In God's faithfulness, he is moving us closer to Charlie's family, and Charlie's job is there no job hunt! Yeah!! What a faithful God we serve.

What do...

Palm Trees

Spanish Moss


and Palmetto bushes have in common???

The end of summer...

Fun with the neighbors. Thank you Mr. Bill and Ms. Sandy for all the balloon and water gun fights!!! We love being neighbors.