Wednesday, January 30, 2008

It is rare

It is rare for me to come back from the dentist without needing something. It wouldn't be another new year without some kind of dental work. Yes you guessed it...I need a crown. So this will be my fourth gold tooth, and my sixth crown. Charlie is calling me MC Callaway and thinks I need to put forth a new record album...

I think I deserve a ride on my dentist's new boat, ha ha!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Sink or Swim

So, the struggle starts...the new year feel is gone...the resolutions are only brief memories. Or maybe you are like me and the resolutions are now monkeys on your back cause they aren't being fulfilled as you imagined. I keep telling myself it will take time to finish the things I wanted to, but it is a daily battle against unbelief that my house will ever be clean, or that we will ever stick to a daily schedule.
Hence the picture...this week the schedule is really bearing on me...or lack of schedule. I am fine doing school. I am fine doing laundry. I am fine cooking dinner. I am fine clearing out clutter. It is when I have to put them all together that my days, weeks and months fall apart. Oh, to run a well oiled ship...instead it seems our ship is sinking!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


It is so cold here. I am cold just thinking about how cold it is. At seven this morning Charlie said "oh look it's warmed was 1.6 degrees outside, now it is 2.3!" It snowed all day yesterday and it is too cold for it to accumulate it just blows around.
I need fresh ideas for children inside for days on end...
Jessica is trying to keep warm.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Bread of Life - A New Road

So here is my attempt (again) at making Silas' bread. I have been trying my hand at new gluten free recipes. It is getting better. I have found some that work and taste good. The pancake recipe out of the Joy of Cooking Cookbook made with gluten free flour is excellent. Can't even tell the difference. Here is my bread. I am getting closer. This one didn't cave in the middle. The can helped. I filled it too high though. Thankfully I thought to put a piece of aluminum foil under it to catch the drips. And it does taste good. Just looks a little funny. Next time I can get two cans out of that one recipe.

The more I read about gluten sensitivity and celiac disease, the more I think I need to take a few months off gluten. Silas got it from someone, maybe it was me. I will let you know how I feel after a few months off. Right now I am exhausted, have iron low blood, and no strength what so ever. Not to mention the bathroom symtoms. We won't go into that...

The good news is that Silas was lactose intolerant too. Now after being gluten free for 6 months, he can have milk again. He doesn't have any issues with lactose at all. It has been amazing. I am very thankful for this road, but I am wondering how many others need to be on it with him. I will take the first step. Here we go.
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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Aftermath...

This is what my laundry pile looks like for the week! I couldn't resist taking a picture of this mountain...

Christmas at our house

Charlie's parents came out for Christmas. Chloe enjoyed coffee with Grandma at Starbucks of course.
The girls couldn't be cuter in their dresses from Nana and Pop!

What Christmas is complete without a few games. We are a game family. Here Isaac is trying to sock Grandpa.
This turned out cute of the girls and Charlie! We had a great visit and Christmas! For all family reading...sorry thank you cards are so late! When can the kids write them on their own...
Thank you!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Books of 2008

Hi all! I was asked a questions New Year's Eve that has prompted a post. My friend asked what books I wanted to read during the next year. I hadn't thought about that...know what I already read, but not what I want to read.

So, to get some help with this I thought I would post it to you. What books do you want to read during 2008? I look forward to hearing your thoughts as I know you are all avid readers.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I Did It!!

So Happy New Year you all! Thanks Jenn for the help! I have been trying to figure out how to get web images to my blog for a while now. Yeah!