Friday, February 29, 2008

Roller Skating

So, we have been roller skating. Yes, even Jessica. You should see that little girl. She is first out and last in from the rink. It is great fun. Isaac and Silas are getting better and better and Chloe is fearless. Thanks to our friend Charissa for letting us know about this fun time.

Monday, February 25, 2008

An Adventure...

So, I am hoping that there are many others out there like me who are trying to apply the routines of the flylady. I started a new blog to gather people who can encourage and share ideas with each other.

Check it out:

Come on over and have a good time!! I look forward to meeting you.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Financial Clutter

So, like the house, the finances are cluttered too. I am beginning to see that clutter has many faces...
We are taking a 13 week financial class from Dave Ramsey's website. The class is held by a church in the area. Basically there is a video lesson and then discussion within the class. It has been very eye opening to the trends in our culture. There are some very good marketers out there who do their job so well that we live in a generation that believes if you don't have a credit card you can't live (or a car payment). You don't have to go back to many generations to see that our great grandparents didn't live like that. They thought debt was a sin. Funny how we become conditioned to think without even realizing that is what is happening. Definetely thought provoking. We are changing some things...let you know how it goes. Anyone else done this class?

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Mount Washmore

This is weekly Mount Washmore. And the saddest thing is that after Charlie took those down stairs for me, I looked in the kids hamper only to find it half full again already!! Do these clothes reproduce in there???
I will conquer!! I just don't know when...

Before and After

Before flying through my kitchen...

After a week of flying through my kitchen!

There is still much to do, but now the much to do is more hidden!! YEAH. There is some hope.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Spring Critters

We had three robins in our front tree today. It is so fun to see the first robin of spring. I love it. One of my favorite things is the first sighting and the anxious waiting for the beginning of my favorite season. The waiting our here takes extra long because there are times when it still snows the beginning of May. Maybe this year will be a quicker entrance to the spring season. Every season has stuff I love, but spring is my favorite. This year I want to plant something new. My friend is giving me a lilac bush so I want to plant that and some flowers.

We also have a squirrel family that lives in our column outside our front door. Unfortunately the squirrels scare off the birds. I can't wait to say good riddance to the squirrels and welcome back to the birds.

Monday, February 4, 2008

New Homeschooling Site

I was on my friend's blog and she has started a new homeschooling site. I checked it out and she has collected some great ideas/stuff. Check it out at

The free educational sites she has found are good too. Thanks Liz for all your work, and for sharing it with the rest of us!!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Maybe I'll fly again...

I am so excited! I am so grateful for the way God works in my life. So, a few days ago I posted on my sinking ship...thanks for the encouragement guys!! This past week I was hanging out with a friend from church and we talked about everything under the sun! It was great fun. So, I ask, "Oh wise mom of 5, how do you manage the house?" My friend starts talking and as she is describing how her sister showed her this system online my actual thought was "Oh my gosh she is going to say flylady". And guess what! She said it...well, the floodgates opened and we talked flyesse for a couple hours. I can't tell you how excited I am, I feel more hopeful and encouraged. You have to understand most people out here don't know or haven't heard about flylady. So, we are going to declutter our houses together. Can't wait for the fun either! I am so excited to see how God grows this friendship as we bless our houses and encourage each other. Thank you Lord!!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

No more Target

Ok, so I am not giving up Target. It is definitely one of my favorite places to shop. I just wish they had different color scheme. There have been many morning when I put on a red shirt with tan or khaki pans and look in the mirror only to realize that I can't where that combo! I feel like everyone will think I work in Target if I go out of the house in red/tan combo! But it has been one of my favorites for some time!!! Go I am have to remember to put my red tops with jeans or black, and my tan bottoms with green or yellow! Hope no other store gets into an easy combo like red/tan. Does anyone else have this problem? Probably not.