Saturday, January 24, 2009


The boys got legos for Christmas this year.

They both poured over the step by step directions and with little to no help, successfully built their ships.

Milestones are easy to see when they are little. They go from sleeping and eating,to sitting, standing, and walking...may I not miss the milestones as they continue to grow and learn!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Family times...

We had such a good time with all the family being home this year. My cousin and his wife came from CA. My dad's cousin and his wife came from TN. In our family when you say cousin you might as well say brother or sister! We love it that way!!

Amy and Donnie talking.
Amy and Melissa (we loved hanging with you!!)

The family

The kids were finally graduated from the "kid table" this year to the adult is about time!!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The night away...

Chloe and Jessica spent the night with Ms. Jessica. They were so excited they kept asking me to leave when I dropped them off. And the Rockey's have a new addition to the family and Chloe could not have been more excited to spend the night with Millie! So cute they are!!

A Trip in a Trip...

That seems to be how we operate! When you go east from where we are you cram as much as you can into the trip...gotta get your money's worth and make those we visited VA Beach. My dear, dear, forever friend Nancy Mandl and her family (thanks Thom!!!) opened their home to myself and four children. Combined there were 9 kids in the house, and we all stayed sane!
The city was a favorite of my kids. They are now praying for more trees in FL. Chloe and Elisabet are a pair of girly girls...I pray their friendship stays sweet despite the distance. And the boys haven't had more fun anywhere! Thanks Mandl's for a great weekend.

Science and more...

More fun that is...the next day we went to the MD Science Center and the Walter's Art Museum. We had great fun exploring all there was to see in both places. The kids extracted some wheat dna at the science lab and we enjoyed posing with "Cal Ripkin" in the kid space. Thank you Sarahjeanne for a fun weekend!

Monday, January 5, 2009

DC and Baltimore with friends...

Jessica was taken aback by the large mouthed fish who swam right up to her. (Click the fish picture to see it bigger...really cool!)

Chloe and Jessica thought the bubbles at the Aquarium were the neatest thing. For me the coolest was showing my kids around my favorite Aquarium...where I have memories of going as a child. Love it! We saw so much.

We so enjoyed our time with my roommate Sarahjeanne and her family. The kids were excited to have some playmates and we took in lots of sights.
This is all six at the Washington Zoo. Great zoo with lots to see.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Let's Start at the Beginning...

Chloe loves her Pop!!

Jessica with my grandfather.
Chloe helped Aunt Ray make cheese pumpkins for the thanksgiving pie.