Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Bread of Life - A New Road

So here is my attempt (again) at making Silas' bread. I have been trying my hand at new gluten free recipes. It is getting better. I have found some that work and taste good. The pancake recipe out of the Joy of Cooking Cookbook made with gluten free flour is excellent. Can't even tell the difference. Here is my bread. I am getting closer. This one didn't cave in the middle. The can helped. I filled it too high though. Thankfully I thought to put a piece of aluminum foil under it to catch the drips. And it does taste good. Just looks a little funny. Next time I can get two cans out of that one recipe.

The more I read about gluten sensitivity and celiac disease, the more I think I need to take a few months off gluten. Silas got it from someone, maybe it was me. I will let you know how I feel after a few months off. Right now I am exhausted, have iron low blood, and no strength what so ever. Not to mention the bathroom symtoms. We won't go into that...

The good news is that Silas was lactose intolerant too. Now after being gluten free for 6 months, he can have milk again. He doesn't have any issues with lactose at all. It has been amazing. I am very thankful for this road, but I am wondering how many others need to be on it with him. I will take the first step. Here we go.
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Michelle said...

I'm grateful that I don't have any food allergies (that i know of), but I'm so curious about all the food allergies that seem to be popping up all over. Are they new? Were they not diagnosed before?
I've no doubt that our processed diet is taking a toll on us but is there more to it?
What have you found out Wendy?

(btw, i sent the book last week, you should be getting it soon!)

Liz said...

I'll be anxious to hear how you feel once you've been on a GF diet for a while. Glad to hear that Silas can tolerate lactose again. I regularly make GF cheese crackers and my kids love them! Emily inhales them! They come close to the taste of Goldfish or Cheez-It crackers. If you're interested I'll be glad to email you the recipe.

Your bread sounds delicious. Could you share the recipe? I have yet to find a bread recipe that is a huge hit.

We will never thirst-because all that we need is found in Jesus said...

YOU GO MOMMA!! Hope the new diet helps you feel better. Yahoo for Silas getting over milk.

Wendy said...

Michelle, I have lots of thoughts as to why...they are of course my opinion and that is often not humble. Our processed diet is absolutely a huge part. Our bodies are developing autoimmune responses to the fake stuff we put in. Whether that is allergies or autism or skin rashes...

Celiac is a genetic disease though. It is an autoimmune response to gluten that damages the small intestine. It is severly underdiagnosed in our country, but it is often the first thought in Europe and other countries. Maybe I will post more thoughts on this...

Thanks, I look forward to reading the book.

Liz, I would love to get that recipe. My kiddos are always asking for goldfish.

Thanks Stephie! You are my biggest cheerleader! Love you!!

Jessica Rockey said...

Hey Wendy. All this gluten free stuff is so interesting. I've heard of celiac... Elizabeth from 'THE VIEW' hs it and talks about it some. It's interesting that she found out she had it when she was on Survivor... basically everyone was weak from starvation and she was feeling great from the lack of gluten. Pretty interesting. Anyway, that's my tv trivia for the day.

Things are good at the Rockey house. I'm in physical therapy 2x a week... I like the place alot and it seems to be helping a little. Starting ballet again after Christmas break... My ballet performance in dec. was ALOT of work, but it went well. I just made a dvd to send out to Chloe so she
can see Miss Jessica's Ballerinas!

Life at the Mandl's said...

I am proud of you my friend for trying to make bread! You are the mom and more!! :-) I think it is great that you are going beyond to help your kido! You might want to try makeing bread in bread molds :-). Ask Tracy to show you hers. It will make a huge differance! :-) Love you and miss you lots!

Stephanie said...

I love the picture of the bread! Go Wendy! That's the kind of thing you can just laugh at! Way to go to try new things for your kids.