Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Sink or Swim

So, the struggle starts...the new year feel is gone...the resolutions are only brief memories. Or maybe you are like me and the resolutions are now monkeys on your back cause they aren't being fulfilled as you imagined. I keep telling myself it will take time to finish the things I wanted to, but it is a daily battle against unbelief that my house will ever be clean, or that we will ever stick to a daily schedule.
Hence the picture...this week the schedule is really bearing on me...or lack of schedule. I am fine doing school. I am fine doing laundry. I am fine cooking dinner. I am fine clearing out clutter. It is when I have to put them all together that my days, weeks and months fall apart. Oh, to run a well oiled ship...instead it seems our ship is sinking!


Diane said...

Wendy, It took me many years to find the solution to having an always clean house...it requires the kids growing up and moving away!! (not an option for you yet hehe!) enjoy the process, the messes can wait. Work on one area at a time. We are after sanctification not perfection. BTW just read Gluten Free Girl also. Meg and I are gluten free now. I miss pizza...

Life at the Mandl's said...

Wendy... You excell at so many things... you do better in these areas then you give yourself credit! I think all moms of young kids have this struggle. I love U and miss you!

Jennifer said...

I might not know much but I think it's more important that you love and care for your children than the rest.... at least that's what I've been telling myself these days. I sympathize with wanting the house together and things to fall in place. I wonder if maybe this is one of God's means of drawing us to Him. We are put in a place where we are dependent on Him.



Liz said...

Oh my, you are describing my life... and I only have TWO kids. I have a VERY hard time sticking to a schedule... it always looks great on paper or the computer screen, but putting it into action consistently is a problem. How I wish to be a super homeschooling, Martha Stewart, June Cleaver kind of wife and mom. Everytime I even attempt to be, I fail miserably. I'm with Jen N. - sometimes I think that God doesn't allow us to "be all we can be," lest we forget our need for and dependance on Him. "I can do all things [that God has asked me to do] through Christ who strengthens me." God never asked me to be Martha or June or Flylady or homeschool mom of the year. He asked me to love Him and serve my husband and children.